5 Simple Techniques to Meditate

Meditation can be an incredible tool to help you find your Zen and stay relaxed and prepared to face the world. There is no perfect way to meditate.

It can have a very positive effect on our attitude towards life. Take some time to quiet your mind. This helps to soothe your nerves and reduce stress. When you don’t internalize stress, you are more likely to perceive good vibes from others and feel happy about life and your relationships.

It also can help support your immune system! YES!!

Here are a few simple variations to add meditation to your day:

  1. Walking meditation: If you don’t like sitting for long periods of time, then walking meditation might just be the thing for you. You will have to focus on your body while moving. While your arms and legs swing, feel them uplift and extend. Feel your feet as they rise and touch the ground while keeping your mind focused on the moment, instead of paying attention to other things.

  2. Breathing meditation: To practice this one, your mind needs to be present in the right moment. Start by focusing on your breath and continue by feeling other sensations in different parts of your body.

  3. Mindfulness meditation: To practice this one, your mind needs to be present in the right moment. Start by focusing on your breath and continue by feeling other sensations in different parts of your body.

  4. Mantra meditation: this meditation can be practices by repeating a sacred word, such as “aum”, in order to bring your mind to a state of focused tranquility. You can repeat the manta aloud or repeat it silently. This meditation also stimulates our vagus nerve which regulates us, stimulates our relaxation response and makes us feel more connected. Doing this may improve our digestive tract and elimination as well as anxiety and depression.

  5. Empty mind meditation: this meditation technique allows you to be fully aware without a specific focus. Simply sit in a peaceful place with good posture and just let your thoughts float without passing any judgement on them.

My favorite is the mantra meditation as I love the vibration of my vocal cords and how it helps with my digestion.

These are some simple ways to add meditation to your day and it doesn’t need to be lengthy. Any time you allow yourself time to be with yourself is an expression of self love. A little love goes a long way.

Here’s to loving yourself!

Solfully yours,



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